All-round carp chair with armrests, lightweight steel frame and adjustable aluminum legs with mud feets. Equipped with “Pro Carp Recliner” rest quick snap and “Pro Carp Leg Adjustor”, whereby you can adjust the sitting height quickly and exactly.
No matter if you are fishing short or long sessions, nothing beats comfort. The JRC Cocoon Chairs offer high comfort thanks to great back support and higher than usual legs.
A great value chair constructed from robust hi-tensile steel, reclining back system and armrests for additional comfort. The ultimate in comfort for this price point.
The new generation of Inspire chairs has arrived! Taking comfort, durability and practicality to the next level. Featuring our MCP (Mimicry Camo Pattern) waterproof and fully breathable yet extremely tough and hard-wearing outer fabric, which is not only great to look at due to its subtle camo effect.
Comfortable smaller chair compact for transport. It has waterproof padding, which provides a comfortable seating area and ensures optimal insulation. A truly versatile chair for every situation.
Nová generace křesílek Inspire je tady! Vyznačuje se maximálním pohodlím, komfortem, praktičností, ale i větší odolností. Ať už jsou vaše požadavky jakékoliv, v této nové řadě najde každý svého favorita. Křesílka jsou vyrobena v našem kamuflážovém vzoru Mimicry Camo Patter (MCP) a jsou plně prodyšná, ale extrémně pevná a odolná.
Comfortable and exclusive fishing chair in CAMO design with anatomically shaped mattress with micro fleece and extended back. The backrest has a comfortable cushion and the sides of the mattress have a camo 600D oxford hem, protecting against wind and cold.
Comfortable and exclusive fishing chair in CAMO design with anatomically shaped mattress with micro fleece and extended back. The backrest has a comfortable cushion and the sides of the mattress have a camo 600D oxford hem, protecting against wind and cold.
Jednoduché rybářské křeslo Master Camo bez područek vhodné na plavanou nebo feeder. Lem matrace je vyroben z odolného materiálu Camo 600D Oxford a střed z hřejivého a příjemného microfleece materiálu.
The Avenger chair range offers the very best in functional and stylish solutions for every eventuality. We have combined sumptuously as well generously padded mattress using the subtle Avenger camo with desirable greens.
The Avenger chair range offers the very best in functional and stylish solutions for every eventuality. We have combined sumptuously as well generously padded mattress using the subtle Avenger camo with desirable greens.
Lounger 52 je pohodlné křeslo, snadno se skládá a je velmi stabilní. Má naše Strategy nohy do bahna a extrémně pevný 25mm rám při zachování hmotnosti pouze 6 kg.
Lehké a kompaktní křesílko s velkoryse polstrovanou matrací a Avenger camo vzorem. Výškově stavitelné nohy jsou opatřeny otáčivými patkami proti zaboření.
Recliner křeslo je snadno použitelné a lehké křeslo s nastavitelnou zadní oporou , která je tak extrémně pohodlná díky svému prohlému tvaru. Všechny nohy jsou nastavitelné pomocí šroubovacích nožiček, tudíž křeso může být použito na spoustě různých povrachů.
Zdaleka volba číslo jedna, pokud jde o pohodlí! Křeslo Big Fella vám poslouží, ať už chcete na den rybařit nebo si užít dlouhou rybářskou dovolenou. Toto polstrované křeslo z paměťové pěny vám poskytne maximální pohodlí.
Toto křeslo s vysokými zády používá náš nový klipový systém. Namísto klasického otočného kolečka jednoduše odemkněte klip, nastavte, a zamkněte klip. Throne má vysoká záda pro maximální podporu a pohodlné područky.
The COCOON II Relaxa Recliner chair is designed with ultimate comfort in mind. No comprimises have been made to design this chair in a way that it’s spacious, comfy, ergonomic and well shaped. The heavy duty frame allows no movement and supports the seating in a solid way.
This DEFENDER armrest chair is ideal for the angler who is looking for a strong and comfortable chair with arm support. The seating and back are made of comfy padded polar fleece and polyester material, the legs are extendable and the feet are mud proof.
looking for a strong, comfortable chair which is light weight and small in transport size. The seating and back are made of comfy padded polar fleece and polyester material, the legs are extendable and the feet are mud proof.