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    Saltwater Rods

    Sea rods are designed for fishing in saltwater. These are very robust and reliable rods for larger fish. You will find marine rods in different lengths and designs, with different weights for fishing in the Norwegian Fjords, the Baltic Sea, oceans or tropical seas. Whether you are fishing for halibut, cod, tuna, swordfish or amberjack, the rods from our wide range will certainly not disappoint you!

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    Picture of Albastar Fjord Master 2.40m 150-400g

    Albastar Fjord Master 2.40m 150-400g

    Dvoudílné sklolaminátové pruty pro "těžké rybaření" v norských fjordech nebo pro lov velkých sladkovodních predátorů.
    569,00 Kč
    Picture of Cormoran X-Power Sea Giant Jigger 2.35m 200-600g

    Cormoran X-Power Sea Giant Jigger 2.35m 200-600g

    Tento prut je přímo stvořen pro lov ve fjordech a volném moři s pilkry do 600g.
    3 100,00 Kč
    Picture of Daiwa Megaforce Pilk, 2.40m 100-200g

    Daiwa Megaforce Pilk, 2.40m 100-200g

    S jigovým prutem Megaforce představuje DAIWA zcela přepracovanou sérii jigových prutů. Pruty jsou vyrobeny z vysoce kvalitního karbonu, pro rybolov v Severním a Baltském moři, stejně jako v Norsku.
    2 367,00 Kč
    Picture of Fin-Nor Tidal Deep Sea Lifter, 2.40m 600g

    Fin-Nor Tidal Deep Sea Lifter, 2.40m 600g

    Pruty pro extrémní hlubinný rybolov, např. v Norsku nebo Islandu, kde se používají těžké zátěže a běžné lodní pruty již tuto práci nezvládnou.
    3 273,00 Kč
    Picture of Fin-Nor Tidal Deep Seacaster, 2.10m 80-300g

    Fin-Nor Tidal Deep Seacaster, 2.10m 80-300g

    Prut připraven na velké ryby, jako je sumec, velké tresky apod ... Nekompromisní výkon, odolnost a samozřejmě nízká hmotnost těchto prutů poskytuje vše pro to, aby se stal špičkou při lovu velkých ryb.
    2 393,00 Kč
    Picture of Fin-Nor Tidal Seacaster, 2.40m 100-180g

    Fin-Nor Tidal Seacaster, 2.40m 100-180g

    Ať už při rybolovu z malého nebo většího člunu - pirking a jigging jsou velmi rozšířené. A s touto sérií prutů se nemusíte obávat velké tresky obecné, tresky černé nebo tresky polaka.
    2 393,00 Kč
    Picture of Fin-Nor Tidal Seacaster, 2.85m 100-180g

    Fin-Nor Tidal Seacaster, 2.85m 100-180g

    Ať už při rybolovu z malého nebo většího člunu - pirking a jigging jsou velmi rozšířené. A s touto sérií prutů se nemusíte obávat velké tresky obecné, tresky černé nebo tresky polaka.
    2 448,00 Kč
    Picture of PENN Regiment II Popping Spin, 2.70m 60-120g

    PENN Regiment II Popping Spin, 2.70m 60-120g

    PENN Regiment II Popping Spin je nová generace super lehkých, ale výkonných prutů. Nová konstrukce blanku SLS3 umožňuje vytvořit velmi tenký průměr blanku, který celkově vytváří menší a lehčí prut, který je tím ergonomičtější.
    3 639,00 Kč
    Picture of PENN Squadron II Labrax Shore, 2.70m 20-50g

    PENN Squadron II Labrax Shore, 2.70m 20-50g

    PENN Squadron II Labrax Shore 20-50g nabízí vynikající poměr ceny, kvality a užitné hodnoty. Moderní karbonový blank nabízí sportovní akci předurčenou k dosažení vysokého výkonu při lovu i nahazování s dostatečným výkonem pro práci s návnadou.
    2 199,00 Kč
    Picture of Sema Balance Unlimited 300, 2.40m 100-300g

    Sema Balance Unlimited 300, 2.40m 100-300g

    Pruty Balance Unlimited 300 byly sestrojeny k lovu na moři a dají se využít i pro lov sumců. Materiál blanku je z plného kompozitního materiálu, který zaručuje odolnost při extrémním namáhání při mořském rybolovu.
    1 299,00 Kč
    Shakespeare SKP Feeder Chair Telescopic Feeder Arm

    Shakespeare SKP Feeder Chair Telescopic Feeder Arm

    Never worry about hard banks again with this easy to use SKP Feeder arm. Compatible with the SKP Feeder Chair this will offer you the exact height you require when feeder.
    477,00 Kč
    Shakespeare SKP Side Tray with Groundbait Bowl

    Shakespeare SKP Side Tray with Groundbait Bowl

    A perfect addition to the SKP Feeder Chair for the angler wants easy access to bait and tackle items.
    599,00 Kč
    DAM Imax Iconic Boat MF 2.10m 20-30lbs

    DAM Imax Iconic Boat MF 2.10m 20-30lbs

    The Imax Iconic Boat range of rods offer exceptional value at a great price featuring a modern blank design combined with stunning looks. The 24T carbon 3-piece blanks are suitable for general bottom fishing for cod, pollock, and the heavier versions are also perfect for targeting halibut in Norway.
    1 249,00 Kč
    PENN Squadron III Boat 2.10m 150-400g

    PENN Squadron III Boat 2.10m 150-400g

    Offering exceptional value for money, the PENN Squadron III Boat series feature modern blank action designs combined with a stunning look. The 24T carbon, 2 piece blanks are suitable for wreck drifting with lures as well as general bottom fishing for cod, ling, pollock and the heavier versions are also perfect for targeting halibut up in Norway.
    2 099,00 Kč
    PENN Squadron III Boat 2.10m 50-150g

    PENN Squadron III Boat 2.10m 50-150g

    Offering exceptional value for money, the PENN Squadron III Boat series feature modern blank action designs combined with a stunning look. The 24T carbon, 2 piece blanks are suitable for wreck drifting with lures as well as general bottom fishing for cod, ling, pollock and the heavier versions are also perfect for targeting halibut up in Norway.
    1 799,00 Kč
    PENN Squadron III Boat 2.40m 150-400g

    PENN Squadron III Boat 2.40m 150-400g

    Offering exceptional value for money, the PENN Squadron III Boat series feature modern blank action designs combined with a stunning look. The 24T carbon, 2 piece blanks are suitable for wreck drifting with lures as well as general bottom fishing for cod, ling, pollock and the heavier versions are also perfect for targeting halibut up in Norway.
    2 149,00 Kč
    PENN Squadron III Travel Boat 2.10m 200-600g

    PENN Squadron III Travel Boat 2.10m 200-600g

    Offering exceptional value for money, the PENN Squadron III Travel Boat series feature modern blank action designs combined with a stunning look. The 24T carbon, 4 piece blanks are suitable for wreck drifting with lures as well as general bottom fishing for cod, ling, pollock and the heavier versions are also perfect for targeting halibut up in Norway.
    2 399,00 Kč
    PENN Squadron III Travel SW Spin 2.40m 15-40g

    PENN Squadron III Travel SW Spin 2.40m 15-40g

    Offering exceptional value for money, the PENN Squadron III Travel SW Spin series feature modern blank action designs combined with a stunning look. The 24T carbon blanks are lightweight and have the perfect actions for working lures in any inshore and nearshore application for targeting e.g. seabass, pollock, coalfish and even bigger species like halibut.
    2 199,00 Kč
    PENN Wrath Boat 2.13m 20-30lb

    PENN Wrath Boat 2.13m 20-30lb

    The PENN Wrath Boat rods are available in two weight classes: 20-30 lb and 30-50 lb. The rods are equipped with K-frame stainless steel guides with titanium oxide inserts for extra durability.
    1 499,00 Kč
    PENN Squadron III Allround 2.40m 200-400g

    PENN Squadron III Allround 2.40m 200-400g

    Offering exceptional value for money, the PENN Squadron III Allround series feature modern blank action designs combined with a stunning look. The Allround series feature very strong but lightweight 24T carbon blanks with a progressive action which is perfect for all types of fishing from both the Boat or Bank.
    1 999,00 Kč
    PENN Regiment III Boat Rod 2.13m 20-30lb

    PENN Regiment III Boat Rod 2.13m 20-30lb

    It does not matter if you are targeting flounder or flatfish with bait, or are targeting monster halibut with lures in Norway – the Regiment Boat series will have exactly the that will help you to catch the fish of your dreams.
    2 799,00 Kč
    DAM Imax Iconic Boat MF 1.83m 20-30lbs

    DAM Imax Iconic Boat MF 1.83m 20-30lbs

    The Imax Iconic Boat range of rods offer exceptional value at a great price featuring a modern blank design combined with stunning looks. The 24T carbon 3-piece blanks are suitable for general bottom fishing for cod, pollock, and the heavier versions are also perfect for targeting halibut in Norway.
    1 149,00 Kč
    PENN Wrath II Boat 2.13m 200-600g

    PENN Wrath II Boat 2.13m 200-600g

    The PENN Wrath II Boat rods are available in three weight classes. The rods are equipped with K-frame stainless steel guides with titanium oxide inserts for extra durability. The 30-50lb version is more heavy duty and might even be used for fishing for big cod and halibut in Norway.
    1 499,00 Kč
    PENN Wrath II Boat 2.13m 150-400g

    PENN Wrath II Boat 2.13m 150-400g

    The PENN Wrath II Boat rods are available in three weight classes. The rods are equipped with K-frame stainless steel guides with titanium oxide inserts for extra durability. The 20-30lb version is perfect for the angler who likes to go out on a charter or boat to fish the wrecks for cod, pollock or seabass.
    1 399,00 Kč
    PENN Wrath II Bolescopic Tele 2.44m 250g

    PENN Wrath II Bolescopic Tele 2.44m 250g

    The PENN Wrath II Bolescopic rods are available in five different versions ranging from 7ft to 10ft in lenght and sinker weights from 110 grams up to 250 grams.These easy-to-transport bolo rods are well balanced and due to the sensitive tip, the rods have a perfect bite registration.
    1 399,00 Kč
    PENN Wrath II Spin 2.13m 10-30g

    PENN Wrath II Spin 2.13m 10-30g

    The PENN Wrath II Spinning rods are very sensitive and responsive spinning rods that feature EVA grips for comfort and control. These 2-piece graphite composite rods are equipped with stainless steel guides with titanium oxide inserts for extra durability.
    1 199,00 Kč
    PENN Wrath II Spin 2.44m 15-40g

    PENN Wrath II Spin 2.44m 15-40g

    The PENN Wrath II Spinning rods are very sensitive and responsive spinning rods that feature EVA grips for comfort and control. These 2-piece graphite composite rods are equipped with stainless steel guides with titanium oxide inserts for extra durability.
    1 299,00 Kč
    Daiwa Seahunter X Pilk Coalfish 2.40m 40-120g

    Daiwa Seahunter X Pilk Coalfish 2.40m 40-120g

    Pruty pro lov tresek tmavých jsou ideální pro použití se shady nebo menšími pilkry a nabízejí obrovský zážitek ze zdolávání. Harmonická akce prutů spolehlivě zabraňuje ztrátě ryby během souboje a poskytuje dobré odhozové vzdálenosti při lovu z lodi i břehu.
    1 599,00 Kč
    Daiwa Seahunter X Pilk Cod 2.40m 100-200g

    Daiwa Seahunter X Pilk Cod 2.40m 100-200g

    Pruty pro lov tresek se silnou špičkou a silnou páteří, které atraktivně uvedou do pohybu shady a pilkry a nevzdávají se ani při souboji s extra velkými protivníky! Seahunter X Pilk Cod jsou spolehlivými společníky na německých mořích i ve skandinávských pobřežních vodách.
    1 699,00 Kč
    Daiwa BG Boat 2.10m 150-400g

    Daiwa BG Offshore Boat 2.10m 150-400g

    BG Offshore Boat rods are ideally suited for active fishing for large cods, coalfish and halibut. Perfect, when large shads, baitfish or pirks should be used.
    2 899,00 Kč

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