Jig heads with collar, build on a base of proven Kamatsu forged hooks. Durable, resilient, perfectly profiled shape of the hook and laser sharpened tip combined with a properly deployed weight.
Jig heads with collar, build on a base of proven Kamatsu forged hooks. Durable, resilient, perfectly profiled shape of the hook and laser sharpened tip combined with a properly deployed weight.
Leaders made of steel fibers in a graphite coating, equipped with excellent quality swivels and snaps. Completely resistant to cutting and not twisting due to overloads caused by pulling or releasing the bait from the hook.
Leaders made of steel fibers in a graphite coating, equipped with excellent quality swivels and snaps. Completely resistant to cutting and not twisting due to overloads caused by pulling or releasing the bait from the hook.
Leaders made of steel fibers in a graphite coating, equipped with excellent quality swivels and snaps. Completely resistant to cutting and not twisting due to overloads caused by pulling or releasing the bait from the hook.
Leaders made of steel fibers in a graphite coating, equipped with excellent quality swivels and snaps. Completely resistant to cutting and not twisting due to overloads caused by pulling or releasing the bait from the hook.
Leaders made of steel fibers in a graphite coating, equipped with excellent quality swivels and snaps. Completely resistant to cutting and not twisting due to overloads caused by pulling or releasing the bait from the hook.
Ocelová lanka pro lov dravců ze sedmi pramenů s kvalitním nylonovým potahem. Lanka jsou bez obratlíků a karabinek, zakončená očky. Dodávána v praktickém balení po dvou kusech.
Ocelová lanka pro lov dravců ze sedmi pramenů s kvalitním nylonovým potahem. Lanka jsou bez obratlíků a karabinek, zakončená očky. Dodávána v praktickém balení po dvou kusech.
Simple but effective fine crimp sleeves that you can use when creating rigs using fluorocarbon, hard-mono or steel leader. The sleeves are made of a soft but strong material, so the rig will not be damaged when used.
Simple but effective fine crimp sleeves that you can use when creating rigs using fluorocarbon, hard-mono or steel leader. The sleeves are made of a soft but strong material, so the rig will not be damaged when used.
Simple but effective fine crimp sleeves that you can use when creating rigs using fluorocarbon, hard-mono or steel leader. The sleeves are made of a soft but strong material, so the rig will not be damaged when used.
A series of 3 freshwater reels designed with a spool specific for distance casting. A regular size 7000 for the carp angler that needs to cast long distances to reach the fish but also two sizes smaller reels for the stalker or feeder angler ...
A series of 3 freshwater reels designed with a spool specific for distance casting. A regular size 7000 for the carp angler that needs to cast long distances to reach the fish but also two sizes smaller reels for the stalker or feeder angler ...
Tato splétaná šňůra vás ohromí svými vlastnostmi. Ultra úzká splétaná struktura poskytuje neuvěřitelnost jemnost a hladkost. To v kombinaci se speciálním procesem mazání vrchní vrstvy dává velice homogenní šňůru s malým průměrem.
Meteora has an unmistakable spicy taste and aroma, a strong base in fish meal, sea and liver extracts, as well as krill, algae, Robin Red and other great ingredients.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
Tripod Elite 3 Rod patří jistě k nejoblíbenejším modelům tripodu na našem trhu. Tento stojan je v první řadě velmi kvalitní,stabilní, lehký a zároveň nabízí širokou škálu variability nastavení.