Extra-large rucksack with arrd. 30l capacity and cooling compartment on the bottom. Both side pockets safely accommodate mounted rods for transport. The backside mesh provides good air circulation and the padded shoulder straps offer outstanding wearing comfort.
The application of HVF carbon fiber material together with the Nanoplus technology enabled the manufacturing of very slim, lightweight and fast blanks. The use of the X45 technology optimizes the twist resistance of the blank and cares for accurate casts and optimal fighting characteristics.
Premium landing net handle made of carbon fiber with extremely short sections. Due to the short sections, this landing net handle can be transported easily in your fishing bag or rod bag.
Premium landing net handle made of carbon fiber with extremely short sections. Due to the short sections, this landing net handle can be transported easily in your fishing bag or rod bag.
Premium landing net handle made of carbon fiber with extremely short sections. Due to the short sections, this landing net handle can be transported easily in your fishing bag or rod bag.
The three-piece blanks of the 30lbs and 50lbs rods are the perfect choice for trips to the Caribbean and other tropical areas, the Mediterranean and the Adriatic sea. The powerful, extremely resilient blanks made of composite material have enough power to mess with those strong warm water fighters and specially designed to cope with smaller tuna and skipjacks, amberjack, mahi mahi, etc.
The three-piece blanks of the 30lbs and 50lbs rods are the perfect choice for trips to the Caribbean and other tropical areas, the Mediterranean and the Adriatic sea. The powerful, extremely resilient blanks made of composite material have enough power to mess with those strong warm water fighters and specially designed to cope with smaller tuna and skipjacks, amberjack, mahi mahi, etc.
The application of HVF carbon fiber material together with the Nanoplus technology enabled the manufacturing of very slim, lightweight and fast blanks. The use of the X45 technology optimizes the twist resistance of the blank and cares for accurate casts and optimal fighting characteristics.
Premium landing net handle made of carbon fiber with extremely short sections. Due to the short sections, this landing net handle can be transported easily in your fishing bag or rod bag.
The three-piece blanks of the 30lbs and 50lbs rods are the perfect choice for trips to the Caribbean and other tropical areas, the Mediterranean and the Adriatic sea. The powerful, extremely resilient blanks made of composite material have enough power to mess with those strong warm water fighters and specially designed to cope with smaller tuna and skipjacks, amberjack, mahi mahi, etc.
PTFE Teflon coated version of the POWER SNAG hook for extra discretion. A classic competition hook, very strong and sharp and curved for better penetration. Solid hook that simply will not let you down.
PTFE Teflon coated version of the POWER CHOD HOOK. Classic shape perfect for creating chod rigs. This sharp, strong hook has a slightly out turned eye so the knot stays perfectly in line.
A series of 3 freshwater reels designed with a spool specific for distance casting. A regular size 7000 for the carp angler that needs to cast long distances to reach the fish but also two sizes smaller reels for the stalker or feeder angler ...
Naviják s přední brzdou JRC XTX LC je fantastický naviják s "long cast" cívkou pro daleké hody. Super uhlazený černý design a červené detaily JRC jsou konečnou tečkou pro tohoto nádherného, ale silného pracovního koně!
Insider 7 FD, inspirovaný duchem safari, je ideální pro ty rybáře, kteří milují dobrodružství a potřebují naviják, který dokáže fungovat v náročných podmínkách. Tento všestranný naviják s přední brzdou má řadu špičkových funkcí.
Venerate Cork Spin je nová řada přívlačových prutů od světoznámé firmy Abu Garcia. Díky dlouholetým zkušenostem se podařilo uvést na trh speciální řadu prutů, které uspokojí nejen méně zkušené, ale i profesionální rybáře po celém světě.
A series of 3 freshwater reels designed with a spool specific for distance casting. A regular size 7000 for the carp angler that needs to cast long distances to reach the fish but also two sizes smaller reels for the stalker or feeder angler ...
Tato splétaná šňůra vás ohromí svými vlastnostmi. Ultra úzká splétaná struktura poskytuje neuvěřitelnost jemnost a hladkost. To v kombinaci se speciálním procesem mazání vrchní vrstvy dává velice homogenní šňůru s malým průměrem.
Meteora has an unmistakable spicy taste and aroma, a strong base in fish meal, sea and liver extracts, as well as krill, algae, Robin Red and other great ingredients.
CSL Cornkiller is used to make various fishing baits and lures universally attractive. CSL Cornkiller is used as a dressing for all pellets, boilies, particles, soft baits, method mixes and groundbaits. The basis of this product is CSL, which is made from corn.
Tripod Elite 3 Rod patří jistě k nejoblíbenejším modelům tripodu na našem trhu. Tento stojan je v první řadě velmi kvalitní,stabilní, lehký a zároveň nabízí širokou škálu variability nastavení.